Research Publications

Berger, Jonah, Wendy W. Moe, and David A. Schweidel (2023), "What Holds Attention? Linguistic Drivers of Engagement," Journal of Marketing.

Zhang, Kunpeng and Wendy W. Moe (2021), “Measuring Brand Favorability Using Large-Scale Social Media Data,” Information Systems Research.

Moe, Wendy W. (2021), “How Social Media Opinions Evolve,” Marketing Science Institute Expert Curation.

Berger, Jonah, Ashlee Humphreys, Stephan Ludwig, Wendy W. Moe, Oded Netzer and David Schweidel (2019), “Uniting the Tribes: Using Text for Marketing Insights,” Journal of Marketing.

Moe, W. Wendy and Brian T. Ratchford (2018), “How the Explosion of Customer Data Has Redefined Interactive Marketing,” Journal of Interactive Marketing.

Oates, Sarah and Wendy W. Moe (2018), “Donald Trump and the ‘Oxygen of Publicity’: Branding, Social Media and Traditional Media,” The Presidency and Social Media: Discourse, Disruption, and Digital Democracy in the 2016 Presidential Election, Routledge.

Schweidel, David A. and Wendy W. Moe (2017), “Opportunities for Innovation in Social Media Analytics,” Journal of Product Innovation and Management.

Moe, Wendy W., Oded Netzer, and David Schweidel (2017), “Social Media Analytics,” Handbook of Marketing Decision Models, ed. Berend Wierenga and Ralf van der Lans, Springer Science and Business Media.

Zhang, Yuchi, Wendy W. Moe and David Schweidel (2016), “Modeling the role of message content and influencers in social media rebroadcasting,” International Journal of Research in Marketing.

Schweidel, David A. and Wendy W. Moe (2016),” Binge Watching and Advertising,” Journal of Marketing.
- Finalist for the Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award
- Finalist for the MSI/H. Paul Root Award 

Healey, John and Wendy W. Moe (2016), “The Effects of Platform and Consumer Lifecycles on Content Sales in a Platform-Mediated Market,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33 (2).

Moe, Wendy W. and David Schweidel (2014), Social Media Intelligence, Cambridge University Press.

Schweidel, David and Wendy W. Moe (2014), “Listening in on Social Media: A Joint Model of Sentiment and Venue Format Choice” Journal of Marketing Research, 51 (4), 387-402.
- Finalist for the Paul Green Award 

Moe, Wendy W. and David Schweidel (2014), “Digital and Internet Marketing,” History of Marketing Science, ed. Russ Winer and Scott Neslin.

Braun, Michael and Wendy W. Moe (2013), “Online Advertising Campaigns: Modeling the Effects of Multiple Ad Creatives,” Marketing Science, 32 (5), 753-767.

Moe, Wendy W. (2013), “Chapter 9: Targeting Display Advertising,” in Advanced Database Marketing: Innovative Methodologies & Applications for Managing Customer Relationships, ed. Kristof Coussement, Koen De Bock and Scott Neslin, Gower Publishing Company, pp. 209-228.

Moe, Wendy W. and David A. Schweidel (2012), “Online Product Opinion: Incidence, Evaluation and Evolution,” Marketing Science, 31 (3), 372-386.

Kulkarni, Gauri, P.K. Kannan and Wendy Moe (2012), “Using Online Search Data to Forecast New Product Sales, Decision Support Systems, 52 (3), 604-611.

Moe, Wendy W., David A. Schweidel and Michael Trusov (2011), “What Influences Customers’ Online Comments” Sloan Management Review, Fall.
- Featured in

Moe, Wendy W. and Michael Trusov (2011), “The Value of Social Dynamics in Online Product Ratings Forums,” Journal of Marketing Research, 48 (3), 444-456
- Finalist for the O’Dell Award 

Moe, Wendy W. (2010), “Social Media Provide Valuable Way to Get Customer Feedback,” Washington Post, September 20, 

Moe, Wendy W. and Sha Yang (2009), “The Impact of a New Competitive Entry on an Incumbent’s Customer Base,” Journal of Marketing, 73 (1), 109-121.

Moe, Wendy W. and Peter S. Fader (2009), “The Role of Price Tiers in Advance Purchasing of Event Tickets,” Journal of Service Research.

Sorenson, Herb (2009), “Chapter 7: Integrating online and Offline Retailing: An Interview with Professor Peter Fader (The Wharton School) and Wendy Moe (University of Maryland),” Inside the Mind of the Shopper: The Science of Retailing, Wharton Publishing.

Moe, Wendy (2006), “An Empirical Two-Stage Choice Model with Decision Rules Applied to Internet Clickstream Data,” Journal of Marketing Research, 43 (4), 680-692.

Moe, Wendy (2006), “A Field Experiment Assessing the Interruption Effect of Pop-Up Promotions,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 20 (1), 34-44.

Moe, Wendy and Peter Fader (2004), “Dynamic Conversion Behavior at E-Commerce Sites,” Management Science, 50 (3), 326-335.
- Frank M. Bass Award Finalist
- Featured in “Turning Browsers into Buyers” in MIT Sloan Management Review, 2001, vol. 42, no.2, p.8.

Johnson, Eric, Wendy Moe, Peter Fader, Steve Bellman, and Jerry Lohse (2004), “On the Depths and Dynamics of World Wide Web Shopping Behavior,” Management Science, 50 (3), 299-308.
- Featured article in issue

Moe, Wendy and Peter Fader (2004), “Capturing Evolving Visit Behavior in Clickstream Data,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18 (1), 5-19.
- Winner of the 2005 Journal of Interactive Marketing Best Paper Award
- Lead article in issue

Moe, Wendy (2003), “Buying, Searching, or Browsing: Differentiating between Online Shoppers using In-Store Navigational Clickstream,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13(1&2), 29-40.

Moe, Wendy and Peter Fader (2002), “Using Advance Purchase Orders to Forecast New Product Sales,” Marketing Science, 21(3), 347-364.

Moe, Wendy W. and Peter S. Fader (2001), “Modeling Hedonic Portfolio Products: A Joint Segmentation Analysis of Music CD Sales,” Journal of Marketing Research, 38(3), 376-385.

Moe, Wendy and Peter Fader (2001), “Uncovering Patterns in Cybershopping,” California Management Review, 43(4), 106-117.
- reprinted in Understanding Consumer Behavior, Business Fundamentals Series, Harvard Business Press, 2002.

Haberkern, Katy, Katrina Hubbard, and Wendy Moe (2000), “The World According to E: ECommerce and E-Customers,” MSI Conference Summary, Report #00-102.

Burke, Sandra J., Sandra J. Milberg and Wendy W. Moe (1997), “Displaying Common but Previously Neglected Health Claims on Product Labels: Understanding Competitive Advantages, Deception, and Education,” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 16 (November), 242:255.

The Impact of Recommendation Systems

February 2024

The Dangers of Binge Watching

September 2015

Encouraging TV Binge Watching May Backfire on Advertisers 

December 2015

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